Troubles and Treats (Chocolate Lovers #3)
Tara Sivec (Goodreads Author)
With two little kids and two busy lives, for the first time, Drew and Jenny aren't on the same page in the bedroom. Drew will stop at nothing to get his previously amorous wife back in the sack, and Jenny will do anything for a full night of sleep.
Carter and Claire, and Jim and Liz are their usual (un)helpful selves and are full of advice for the discontented duo, wanting nothing more than to help restore order to the usually happy couple's lives.
In the third and final installment of the Chocolate Lovers Series, will Drew and Jenny find the spark that's been missing in their marriage, or will the trouble they're having cause a stickier situation than the time Jenny poured honey all over Drew and he fused himself to a tree?
My Review...
Oh Holy Hell. Tara Sivec is a mastermind genius. This book is hilarious. It was just as awesome as the first two. I was laughing so hard my husband had to come and check on my to make sure I was ok.
The shenanigans that happen with Drew, Jenny, Carter, Claire, Liz and Jim are hilarious. I wasn't sure if Drew and Jenny could hold their own book but they definitely could. "WILLIE NELSON WONDER CATS"
Two of my favorite parts are these:
"I love you too, vagina. I miss you like a hooker misses her virginity. True story. Why have you done me wrong, Boo? Why is there such a distance between us? Remember when we used to hang out every day? Now I barely see you once a month. You've changed, vagina. I hate to say this , but you have. You're a different person now. I thought maybe you were hanging around with a different crowd of people and they influenced you against me. Maybe we're just growing apart. I don't want to lose you, vagina! I need you like I need air to breathe and football on Sundays. I just can't quit you, vagina!"
"What's the big deal? We know plenty of gay people. You're not turning into a homeopathic are you? she demands angrily. "No, I'm not turning into someone who uses alternative medicine," I reply with a laugh."
Quotes from Troubles and Treats by Tara Sivec
I loved this book every friggin part. If you need a good inappropriate laugh then the chocolate lover series is the key to your happiness.
5 LOL thumbs up!

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