Beneath These Scars by Meghan March
Date of Publication: September 22, 2015
I'm the guy you love to hate.
In every story in my life, I seem to end up playing the villain—and I've got the scars to prove it.
That role works fine for me, because I'm sure as hell not anyone's hero. I run my life and my empire with an iron fist—until she knocks my tightly controlled world off its axis.
She's nobody's damsel in distress, but I can't help but want to save her anyway.
I guess we're about to find out if there's a hero buried … beneath these scars.
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About Meghan March
Meghan March is the author of contemporary and erotic romance novels.
Meghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She's also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she's ever had. She loves hearing from her readers at
Find Meghan March Online
Chapter 1
SWEAT DRIPPED INTO MY EYES as I bounced on the balls of my feet. Someone had to be calling out how much time was left in this round soon. My pride was on the line, and there was no way I would hand it over to Con Leahy. He'd already gotten the girl, and I wasn't about to let him humiliate me in the ring in this piece-of-shit New Orleans gym too.
My muscles burned, but that was nothing compared to the heat of victory—or the sting of defeat. What had started out as a boxing lesson had quickly transformed into an all-out brawl for dominance and respect.
Only you would pay a million dollars to get your ass kicked, Titan. The voice in my head mocked me as I bobbed and weaved. But I hadn't paid a million to get my ass kicked. I'd done it because that night at the charity auction I'd been drunk, pissed off, and determined to prove a point—he might've gotten the girl, but I was still the one with the power. I got a sick sense of satisfaction that every time Con bought something for his gym and these kids, he had to think of me.
I swung with another right hook. The blow connected with Con's jaw and snapped his head to the side.
Yeah. That's right. But my mental cheer came a moment too soon, and pain exploded in my left side.
Shit, that's going to hurt tomorrow.
I stumbled back but threw myself forward again, shooting out my fist with an uppercut that knocked Con back a step. This was how it had gone for the last several minutes—trading punches and circling each other.
There was no love lost in this ring, that was for damn sure, and I was ready for this to be over. I would walk out of here with every bit of the respect I was owed. Fuck anyone who thought otherwise.
Con moved toward me and the circling started again. The cheers and chants from the crowd surrounding the ring in the old warehouse gym seemed to grow every time I glanced beyond the ropes. A flash of blond hair caught my eye as I stepped left and Con shifted to the right.
She threw her head back and laughed at something said by her redheaded friend, Elle. I turned my attention back to the man in front of me, but my focus wandered again when a huskier, sexier laugh echoed through the room.
My eyes strayed from Con for a second too long as I tried to track down the source of the laughter. Pain burst through my jaw, catching me by surprise, and I stumbled back into the ropes. Using their momentum, I shoved off to the side, my pride stinging from my momentary lapse in concentration. Embarrassed and now thoroughly pissed off, I surged forward and attacked.
One punch. That was all I landed before the bell rang, signaling the end of the round and my very expensive "lesson."
I pushed off Con, and my knee might have slipped as I stepped back . . . and caught him directly in the balls. It was probably an accident. I huffed out a chuckle, but Con didn't share my humor.
"Goddamn it!" he roared. "Are you fucking serious?"
It was like stabbing a bull with a matador's sword, but I was ready for him. I jumped out of the way as Con charged, and shifted into a defensive stance when he swung.
"Should've expected a cheap shot from you, motherfucker." Unrestrained anger flashed over his face as every shred of coaching mentality fled, along with that smug superiority he'd been giving me.
Good. You aren't better than me, Leahy. I could buy and sell you a hundred times over.
He might've gotten the girl, but I wasn't going to let him get away with her clean. I wanted blood.
"Should've expected you to strut around this ring like a fucking cock of the walk," I shot back.
Con feinted and swung again, but I'd been studying his movements. I bobbed and weaved, and got the hell out of the way.
I threw my own punch as soon as I had a clean shot. It landed just below Con's left eye, splitting the skin over his cheekbone and sending blood spattering everywhere.
The taste of victory was sweet. "First blood," I said under my breath.
Apparently my words weren't quiet enough because Con's head snapped up and he glared at me with disgust, as if I needed to be put down like a rabid animal. "This ain't a fuckin' duel, you piece of shit."
"It sure isn't a friendly competition either."
"Paid a million to get that cheap shot in, didn't you?"
My lips twisted into a mocking smile. "I sure didn't pay a million to have you show me up."
Con dropped his hands and shook his head. "Just when I thought you weren't a complete fucking asshole."
"You were wrong," I replied, turning for the ropes.
Con's fists lifted and before I could react, one connected with my cheekbone. The instantaneous gush of blood told me I'd have a scar to match his, but it didn't matter. One more scar wouldn't hurt my banged-up face.
I roared as I charged, but I didn't get the chance to retaliate. Shouts filled the room, and beefy arms wrapped around my body, holding me back.
"You're not half bad when you're not being a shady rich prick," Lord's voice said in my ear.
I lunged toward Con, but Lord's grip only tightened. "Get your goddamn hands off me," I growled at him.
Leaning closer to my ear, he lowered his voice. "When you calm the hell down and realize you're making an ass of yourself in front of a bunch of kids and women."
I glanced out to the crowd and read disgust on so many faces, including Vanessa's. Like it mattered what a single goddamn person in this gym thought of me. I could buy and sell them all.
Lord was still holding me back when Con came toward us. He yanked his gloves off and wiped at the blood still dripping from the gash on his face.
"You're also not half bad when you're paying attention—and when you're not throwing a knee into my nuts. But I think you've overstayed your welcome."
I jerked at the arms trapping me. "Call off your dog, and I'm gone."
"You ever want another round, it's gonna cost you two million next time," Con said.
"For another chance to make you bleed? I'd pay even more."
Con nodded to his brother, and Lord let me go. The crowd had already started to disperse. The only person in the building who probably didn't want to run me down in the parking lot was my COO, and arguably my friend, Ryder Colson. And he was nowhere to be seen.
Instead of Colson, I saw a group of women moving toward the door—Vanessa Frost in her white cotton dress, Elle Snyder in her yellow retro number, and two others I didn't know. One looked familiar with tanned skin the color of honey, her hair in dark waves, and a curvy body displayed by a funky teal dress with hot-pink polka dots. She hooked her hands on her hips, and that husky laugh echoed through the room again. Apparently she was the one who had distracted me in the ring. My eyes didn't move from her to take in the fourth woman.
Colson came up beside me. "Who knew there'd be so many hot pieces of ass in this shit warehouse?"
I turned toward him. "Give any of them a shot, and you'll probably find yourself bleeding on the floor."
Ryder shrugged off my comment. "Go get your shit. I'll wait."
He was gone before I could tell him he didn't need to wait around for me. But then again, he was my only ally in a building full of people who undoubtedly would have preferred to see me KO'd on the floor of the ring. Just one more place I'd never be welcome.
Good thing I didn't give a fuck.
I'd showed up, gone toe-to-toe with Con, and had taken back a piece of my pride. That was enough.
For today.
I was already thinking of hiring a trainer as I went for my bag.
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Source: eARC for Honest Review Courtesy of Author and Rock Star PR
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Part 4 of an ongoing series but could be read as a standalone

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Catch Up on the Beneath Series:
Source: eARC for Honest Review Courtesy of Author and Rock Star PR
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Part 4 of an ongoing series but could be read as a standalone
My Beneath These Scars Review ...
"No one makes it through life without scars. It's impossible. But they're not signs of shame; they're badges of honor showing that you fought and survived. That's why I've never hidden mine, but you've never moved on."
I am a big fan of this series so I was excited to read Yve & Lucas's story. Especially because even though Lucas was one of those guys you love to hate, I knew he was going to have a soft side. However, after reading it, I did like it, but it wasn't my favorite of the series.
We meet Yve in Beneath this Mask and we get to realize that she has a past that she keeps tight to the vest. Lucas we meet in Beneath this Ink and immediately have a love to hate him theme going on. From the beginning in Beneath These Scars these two have a love hate relationship but can't deny the their chemistry. They start to just have a sex only relationship but with Yve's past coming to the forefront, Lucas is forced to try and protect her.
"He can't help by meddle. He's a fixer, my dear."
I liked the idea of the story and I understood where Yve came from. I even get the once burnt concept but the martyr thing along with the I don't need any help theme got to be tiresome by reading it over and over and over again.
"And you'll call me if anything freaks you out." I hesitated for a fraction of a second. This was my problem.But I couldn't rely on anyone but myself. That would be a mistake."Do you ever let anyone help you, Yve?""I don't need you to fix this for me." "I know, but you don't need to do it alone, Yve.""You're in denial. and you're lying to me. If there's anyone who understands what it means to have secrets, it's me. But when those secrets start putting your life in danger, it's time to come clean to someone who can help you. "My determination to be strong and deal with this all by myself suffered another foundation-shaking blow."Why? Why would you want to help me?""Because despite the fact that I'm an asshole, I'm not the kind of asshole who's going to let you face whatever the hell is going on here by yourself."
After Yve FINALLY lets her guard down, is when I got caught up into the story and found the sweetness of Lucas and Yve. Lucas goes from the love to hate to the love to love type of guy. He may come across as a bit of an asshole but he's really a big ol' softie inside.
What I can't wait for are Hennessy & then Bishop's stories. I have a feeling they are going to be great. So my fingers are crossed that one of those will be the next one in the series.
Did I like this story? Yes, but Yve's baggage got to be too much for me. Was this my favorite of the series? Definitely no, but it was still a good one. Favorite character? Jerome than Lucas. Least favorite character? Yve, but not the whole way through. Most excited for next? Hennessy's story. Love that fact that he's seems to be the man to know around NOLA and can't wait for him to find his HEA.
3.5 Love to hate to love thumbs up!

Catch Up on the Beneath Series:
Beneath This Mask (Beneath #1)
He loves me, and he doesn’t even know my
real name.
The limelight that follows him could expose everything I’m hiding. But even knowing the risks, I can’t force myself to stay away.
I’m going to break his heart, but mine will shatter right along with it.
Will we lose it all when I reveal what’s beneath this mask?
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The limelight that follows him could expose everything I’m hiding. But even knowing the risks, I can’t force myself to stay away.
I’m going to break his heart, but mine will shatter right along with it.
Will we lose it all when I reveal what’s beneath this mask?
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This Ink (Beneath #2)
I’ve always known she was too good for me, but that never
stopped me from wanting her.
And then I finally had her for one night.
A night I don’t remember.
I figured I’d blown my shot.
But now she’s walked back into my life, and this time, I
have the upper hand. I want my second chance.
Will she be able to see the man beneath this ink?
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Beneath These Chains
(Beneath #3)
I was raised on the streets, so I know things are rarely as
simple as they appear—especially this rich girl showing up at my pawnshop
demanding a job.
She’s the most tempting thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ll be
damned if I can make her leave.
Shit just got complicated … but when it comes to her—I want
We’re both fighting our own demons, and our only chance at a
future is to let go of the past.
But will we be strong enough to break free from beneath
these chains?
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