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Cole Masten. Abandoned
by his superstar wife, Hollywood’s Perfect Husband is now Hollywood’s
Sexiest Bachelor: partying hard and screwing even harder. Watch out Los
Angeles, there's a new bad boy in town.
Summer Jenkins. That’s
me, a small town girl stuck in Quincy, Georgia. I cook some mean
chicken and dumplins, can bluff a grown man out of his savings in poker,
and was voted Most Friendly my senior year.
were from different worlds. Our lives shouldn’t have collided. But then
Cole Masten read a book about my small town. And six months later, his
jet landed on our dusty airstrip, and he brought Hollywood with him.
From the start, I knew he was trouble. For our town. And for me.
Sometimes, opposites just aren’t meant to attract..
When the door to the production trailer burst open, it brought with it a wave of heat and beauty. Cole looked up from the storyboards and locked eyes with Summer, who blew across the room at him like a tornado on tilt.
“There’s no love story between Ida and Royce.” Summer snapped, throwing down the script, pages fluttering down between them. In the small trailer, conversations stalled and he could feel the attention turn their way. “I’ve read the book. Three times!”
It was good to know that someone had read the damn book. Cole glanced down at her temper tantrum of a mess and back up, raising his eyebrows mildly. “It’s a movie,” he said, turning back to the storyboards. “The writers are adding some excitement. It’s normal. You’d know that if you were in this business.” The dig was unnecessary but he couldn’t help it. This woman turned him into the devil.
“I read the first script. The one you sent over with my contract. Ida and Royce hated each other. Why would Royce…” she snatched up a page from the ground and read out a line. “pushes Ida against the file cabinet and kisses her passionately.” She balled up the page and threw it down to the ground and he could see, in her eyes, the panic. Panic. An unexpected reaction.
“We’ll use that,” Don made the dangerous move of stepping in, putting a soft hand on her shoulder. “You don’t understand. The passion from their hatred will make it hotter.”
“No.” Summer said, her face hard, her eyes on Cole. “It doesn’t make it hotter. It makes it stupid.”
“Aww… come on, Summer.” Cole chided, stepping closer, his hand reaching out to pull at her wrist. She fought him, yanking it back and the moment of their bodies meeting didn’t happen. He leaned down and whispered, right against her ear, the smell of her apple-scented lotion enough to make him want to empty out the production trailer right that moment. “Sure it does.”
She jerked back and twisted away. “If he kisses me on camera I’m going to lose it.” She shot at Don, pointing an accusatory finger in Cole’s direction.
“I know you will,” Cole laughed, crossing his arms to fight from reaching out. “You’ll fall apart under my mouth, baby.”
Summer screamed in response, her hands thrown up in frustration, and spun to leave, her script left behind, the slam of the exit door loud in the full production trailer.
“That went well,” Cole mused. He linked his hands and rested them on his head, rolling his shoulders back. Panic. She’d had panic in her eyes. Fuck.
“What do you expect?” Don said. “You threw this on her without warning. I told you we should have met with her this morning, gone over the changes to prepare her. But no – you just wanted to dump it on her via call sheets and sides.”
“Dump it on her? I was People’s Sexiest Man last year. She’s not mentally adjusting to a war camp for God’s sake. How hard is it to kiss me?”
“It’s actually three kisses,” a dark-haired PA to his left pointed out. “And a grope.”
He gave her a hard look and she withered a little.
“I’ll go talk to her,” Don said. “Eileen, you shoot #4 and I’ll talk to Summer. I want to try to get #14 shot at eleven so let’s get our asses in gear and get this done.”
“I’ll talk to her.” Cole stepped in. “You shoot #4 and I’ll talk to her.”
“No,” Don snapped. “With my luck you two would make up and any authenticity to the scene would disappear. Just stay away from her and be ready at eleven.”
Cole chewed on his cheek, then nodded. “Fine.” Don was right. He should stay away from her. Far. Far away.Want to read the first pages of Hollywood Dirt?
Visit http://www.meetcolemasten.com/

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Alessandra Torre is an award-winning New York Times bestselling author of ten novels. Her books focus on romance and suspense, all with a strong undercurrent of sexuality. Torre has been featured in such publications as Elle and Elle UK, co-hosted Dirty Sexy Funny with Jenny McCarthy, as well as guest blogged for the Huffington Post and RT Book Reviews. She is also the Bedroom Blogger for Cosmopolitan.com.
You can learn more about Alessandra on her website at www.alessandratorre.com, or you can find her on Twitter (@ReadAlessandra) or Facebook.
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Source: eARC for Honest Review Courtesy of Author and The Next Step PR
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
My Hollywood Dirt Review . . .
Usually with Alessandra Torre her books are very erotic or dark, however Hollywood Dirt was more sweet and fun, which was a very pleasant surprise. Sure there some steamy parts and some asshole parts but when you have a rooster named Cocky in it, how can it be anything but awesome.
This was not a rebound, this was not infatuation, this was the end of his life as he knew it, . . .
Cole Masten is the Hollywood 'it' man but after being screwed over by his wife, he hops on a plane to nowhere Georgia to lick his wounds.
Summer Jenkins has been wronged once, and may have a chip on her shoulder, but she also has a plan.
As soon as Cole lands in Quincy he meets Summer and their love/hate relationship begins. Summer has always liked Cole from afar, but is not impressed when she finally meets him in person.
As Cole's licking his wounds, the last thing he wants is a new relationship, but there's something about Summer that sets him off. Plus she's the perfect person for his movie. Now he just has to convince her.
Summer needs money to help with her plan, so she eventually agrees to be part of Cole's film. She will just continue to hate him up close instead of from the sidelines. However, hating him ended up not being as easy as she originally thought, because Cole's not as much of an asshole as she first thought him to be.
As we said in these parts, that egg had been laid. It couldn't be put back in the chicken now.
Cole's so intrigued by Summer that he can't stay away, but he doesn't know what category to place her in, as she's so not Hollywood. But what she is, is real.
. . . he was beginning to remember what it felt like to be an actual man, not just Hollywood's version of one.
Cole and Summer love / hate relationship is in full swing for most of the book with moments of steam and sweet.
"Well," he said to the bird, " I guess it's just me and you." Damn Summer. Damn her to hell.
Summer has a past and throughout the majority of the book we are waiting to find out what it is. But as she plots along with this movie, she starts to lose a bit of herself.
"No Country. In Hollywood, off camera, you can't be yourself. You can't be weak, you can't be honest, and you can't be genuine. Not if you want to survive."
Once the past comes out, it's finally a bridge for these two, where the love portion outweighs the hate portion of their relationship. Thankfully for Cocky or these two would have had a lot harder time finding their way to each other.
One of my favorite parts is that I loved having Brad Deluca from Innocence series in this story. I didn't realize how much I missed him till he appeared. I quite liked this story. It was cute, funny and sexy. These two may have been polar opposites but they so worked once they both got their chips off their shoulders.
4 Not in Hollywood anymore thumbs up!

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