Dark Surrender is LIVE and only $1.99! So snag this complete paranormal stand alone and read all about why having a male siren try to seduce you isn't all it's cracked up to be!
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Never met a male siren before?
You're about to....
I grew up as a prince...
And lead the life of a King.
There isn't anyone or anything that doesn't want me, that isn't attracted to me. They can't help it. And I sure as hell don't want them to. I live for their lust, I crave touch like an addiction, I make them beg on their knees for one, simple, caress.
As a male siren it's my job to feed off emotion.
And I was happy to do it.
I am happy to do it.
What I'm not happy about? Being told I have to mate with some withering human and stay loyal to that one person for the next few centuries. There's a war coming and being the idiot I am--I offered to take one for the team in order to help a friend.
Now my sexual appetite is taking a freaking kick in the nuts.
And I'm left wondering if it's worth it.
If she's worth it, with messy hair and dirty human hands.
But I have a world to save.
A job to do.
Now, if only, she would just let me do it rather than fighting me at every turn. I've lived lifetimes as the most irresistible being on the planet.
Only to meet my match.
With one.
They say hells hot. They're wrong.
Because Hope, my little human, is way hotter.
And before this is over--she may just singe me alive.
To say I was pissed.
To say I was angry
To say I was intrigued.
couldn’t decide which emotion was going to win out, which made her all
the more exciting. Sirens, for the most part, kept their physical
appearance at a five. On a scale of one to ten, a five meant that you
were clearly above average but not to the point that a person would
literally sell a kidney and spleen in order to sleep with you.
No, the selling of body parts came at six.
Seven meant they were willing to commit a crime and sell body parts.
was when they neared the wailing stage. I typically called it
bartering, where they asked what they could possibly do in order to gain
just one taste, anything, anything at all!
was a rarity. I was a nine when I was tired, when I wanted a piece of
ass from someone hot, and I didn’t want to make a big fuss over it. But a
nine was dangerous because showing myself at a nine made it easier to
wipe the individuals’ memories. Meaning I was more than likely cursing
them to a life where they would never settle down because they’d be
stuck comparing me to some sad human male with a beer gut, and he’d
always fall short.
Even the Toms fell short.
Tom Brady.
Tom Hardy.
You get the picture.
my entire existence, I’ve pulled a nine maybe four times. And each time
I felt regretful — after all the sex had never been worthy of ruining
some pathetic human’s chance at love.
And tens?
weren’t done. To become a ten in front of a human would be the
equivalent of a human discovering the sweetest tasting sin, the most
physical and emotional ecstasy known over and over again. Add that in
with good looks that made women, men, plants, atoms — you get the
picture — full-on weep, and it just wasn’t done.
In fact, some might say it was forbidden.
I’d never been tempted.
Until five minutes ago.
was currently at an eight, flirting with a ten, and she’d finally
succumbed enough to fall to her knees, but when she glanced up, she
blinked a few times then stood. “Sorry, I don’t know what happened.”
The hell?
I did a double take, my eyes narrowing as she shuddered before me, but still, nothing. No weeping. No sudden burst of adoration.
Nine, here I come.
exhaled as I allowed my hair to go pure gold and my eyes to turn a
shade of amber that looked like a never-ending ring of fire around my
blue iris. I released waves of energy that I could see pulsing from my
body with each exhale, and I was aware that she was being assaulted with
my scent, a mixture of rain, fresh air, and finally a deep sweet
The most addicting scents known to mankind.
The most cleansing scents to a human.
eyes widened as she gulped and then squeezed them shut and covered her
face with her hands, her knees knocked together as she swayed.
“Open your eyes, human!”
“I-I’d rather not,” she said in a weak voice.
The walls of the room shook causing a shriek to explode between her
lips, and suddenly she was moving towards me and launching her plump
body into the air.
Directly onto mine.
My body.
any other option, I braced myself for her impact. Not that she could
physically harm me, it was more of a mental brace of, oh shit the woman
might be plump, but she moved with the speed of a torpedo.
I caught her in my arms.
The shaking stopped.
Her hands clung to the front of my shirt, her breathing was unsteady, her body sweaty, hot, and curvy.
I appreciated all types of beauty.
Even hers.
I would have preferred a small mate, one that I could terrify into submission — one I had no risk of falling in love with.
Because a siren in love — was a dangerous thing.
a part of me wondered if that was what Cassius had planned all along.
In order for me to be at my strongest, I needed to be in love.
Something I’d never experienced in all of my years of living, screwing, and toying with males and females alike.
“What.” I gave her a menacing glare. “The hell, do you think you’re doing?”
scared of earthquakes,” she whispered, licking her lips repeatedly
until I thought I was going to go mad with the motion of her tongue
sliding across the pink of her mouth. “Terrified, actually.”
“This is Seattle.” I was still holding her, for reasons beyond my realm of understanding.
say the next earthquake is going to be really big and half of downtown
is going to slide into the Puget Sound, so excuse me for being scared!”
“And you live downtown?”
“Well… no.” Her brown eyes focused in on mine.
“Then you must visit there often?”
I sighed impatiently. “So your fears are completely unfounded and illogical. Simply stop fearing it.”
“Easy for you to say.”
tire of holding you, human.” The lie fell easy; in fact, I had
forgotten I was holding her until she fidgeted in my arms like she was the offended party, when I was the one who had just been assaulted. “The only thing you need to fear is me.”
“Because you…” She sighed. “You’re going to sacrifice me?”
I tried to hold the laugh in.
But it was all too ridiculous.
I nodded seriously, my lips twitching with the urge to smile. “The
process will be painless. I’ll tie your hands and feet to the bedposts —
strip you naked, and then plunge an immortal sword into your heart.
You’ll need to repeat the words ut animam meam and then once you drink my blood — if it accepts you, you will live.”
Her face paled as she struggled to get out of my arms.
And then I lost it, dropping her back to her feet, laughing so hard I felt my body shook with it.
“I don’t even remember the phrase!” Her wild eyes darted between me and the bed, clearly not catching on. Joke. It was a joke.
“Well,” I lifted a shoulder and shrugged. “Then I guess you die.”
“Better do it quickly, less pain that way.”
“What about the plants?”
My smile froze. “Either you’re extremely simple minded or mentally ill. What the hell are you talking about?”
She tugged at her low ponytail. “The plants, you know, around the
grounds. I take care of them and Cassius—” Her eyes lit up. “Cassius
said I was getting a promotion, so sorry, but you can’t kill me.”
I grinned. “Okay.”
She frowned.
was still confused how she was shielding herself from my essence, but
already I was mentally drained from the energy it took to get her to
worship me — instead I returned to my normal everyday state and held out
my hand.
She stared at it.
“Take my hand.”
“No.” She swallowed. “I think I’ll just wait for Cassius.”
“He’s already mated.”
Her eyes narrowed. “I’m not mating him.”
This, this was my favorite part, watching humans try to logically put
together all of the pieces of the puzzle only to realize their brains
were too small to comprehend the different parts they held, the angles,
the colors, “You’re going to mate with me.”
I expected her to cry.
Maybe throw something.
she froze and then with a scream ran head first directly into my body
sending me sailing backward against the marble floor.
I was caught unaware.
Meaning, I barely had time to stop myself before my head slammed back against the hard ground.
She tried to run toward the door.
“Cat and mouse.” I sighed from my position on the ground. “I always did like foreplay.”
She jerked against the doors with fervor, I’d give her that, but they wouldn’t budge.
Not until she was mine.
Not until the doors sensed my blood running through her veins.
won’t it open?” Her voice was strangled as pieces of her hair fell out
of its restraint and brushed against her shoulders. “You can’t keep me
here forever.”
“I can.” I yawned. “I will.”
Haven’t read this series yet?
The Dark Ones (Book One) FREE
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Amazon AU: http://bit.ly/1PtRkds
Amazon CA: http://amzn.to/1iMvS9f
iBooks: http://apple.co/1GmoKao
Kobo: http://bit.ly/1P031I8
Untouchable Darkness (Book Two) $1.99
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1LauP93
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1Pn1f7d
Amazon CA: http://amzn.to/1m7WgME
Amazon AU: http://bit.ly/1U7hvsr
iBooks: http://apple.co/1HuCC1d
Kobo: http://bit.ly/1SjkRaE
About the Author:
Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she's not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.
She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!
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3 . 5 Light within the Darkness Thumbs Up!

. 5
Source: eARC for Honest Review Courtesy of TRSOR
Genre: PNR Romance
Part 3 in a series but can be read as a standalone
My Dark Surrender Review . . .
It has been forever since I read the first book of this series The Dark Ones. How and why I forgot about this series alludes me. So when I heard about this opportunity I jumped at the chance and quickly bought and downloaded Untouchable Darkness. Even though it's not completely needed to read before this one. I have a thing about reading things in order. Plus I wanted to refresh with the story line which helped by reading Untouchable Darkness first before jumping into Dark Surrender.
I would love to live in Rachel Van Dyken's brain for a minimum of one day. As I'm completely fascinated with her story telling. She has had me with every emotion and almost every genre. It truly is amazing her ability to jump from different genres and types of stories. In the Dark One series it focuses in the paranormal realm but a nice amount of humor to keep it light.
The theme in this series is needing the balance of light and dark. With all the characters facing their own darkness to make sure it doesn't take over and that there is always room for light. Alex has always been a bit of an enigma to me. At first in the last two books he doesn't seem that deep with his siren beauty, his quick wit and his oddly loveable narcissistic characteristics. But you always knew there was something deeper lingering beneath his shallow traits.
With a war on the verge both Alex and Mason are made to mate. And with Mason still not ready to make that leap, Alex volunteers for tribute to mating. How hard could it be with sirens only being good for sex anyways? Well for Alex, a lot tougher when he's faced with his past and his insecurities.
Hope was just the plant caretaker until one day she thinks she's getting a promotion but what that promotion entails is a lot more than a pay raise. Hope knows all about the immortals but also has a healthy fear towards them. Especially the unpredictable siren.
The minute Alex put the mating call out his mate was chosen. For Hope, all she felt was heat and drawn to Alex but kept trying to fight him in fear of getting hurt. However, with the Siren call its impossible to give in and these two lit up the sheets.
To protect himself and Hope, Alex turns into a douchenozzle. That plan though quickly backfires and causes Alex to face the truth. As the story goes on we get to see Alex go through a very cathartic process in order to be able to love properly. And for Hope we get to see how one person can be the change we all need.
I quite like this story and liked the evolution of this story. I adored the banter with all the characters. Especially with Mason. Whom I have a feeling that he will be my favorite, even though after Dark Surrender I'm sure Alex will be a close second.
We often don't see our true potentials and what we are capable of, and I felt this was well portrayed within Alex. Since romance is my main genre I love mixing it up with paranormal as its a nice break in a very repetitive genre. Sure there were similar elements within this genre but its broken up with the PNR story line, which helps our escape into a different world even more.
I have loved Mason from the beginning of this series and finally the next story should be Mason's story.
Can't wait for Mason!!!!!!!
It has been forever since I read the first book of this series The Dark Ones. How and why I forgot about this series alludes me. So when I heard about this opportunity I jumped at the chance and quickly bought and downloaded Untouchable Darkness. Even though it's not completely needed to read before this one. I have a thing about reading things in order. Plus I wanted to refresh with the story line which helped by reading Untouchable Darkness first before jumping into Dark Surrender.
I would love to live in Rachel Van Dyken's brain for a minimum of one day. As I'm completely fascinated with her story telling. She has had me with every emotion and almost every genre. It truly is amazing her ability to jump from different genres and types of stories. In the Dark One series it focuses in the paranormal realm but a nice amount of humor to keep it light.
The theme in this series is needing the balance of light and dark. With all the characters facing their own darkness to make sure it doesn't take over and that there is always room for light. Alex has always been a bit of an enigma to me. At first in the last two books he doesn't seem that deep with his siren beauty, his quick wit and his oddly loveable narcissistic characteristics. But you always knew there was something deeper lingering beneath his shallow traits.
With a war on the verge both Alex and Mason are made to mate. And with Mason still not ready to make that leap, Alex volunteers for tribute to mating. How hard could it be with sirens only being good for sex anyways? Well for Alex, a lot tougher when he's faced with his past and his insecurities.
Hope was just the plant caretaker until one day she thinks she's getting a promotion but what that promotion entails is a lot more than a pay raise. Hope knows all about the immortals but also has a healthy fear towards them. Especially the unpredictable siren.
The minute Alex put the mating call out his mate was chosen. For Hope, all she felt was heat and drawn to Alex but kept trying to fight him in fear of getting hurt. However, with the Siren call its impossible to give in and these two lit up the sheets.
To protect himself and Hope, Alex turns into a douchenozzle. That plan though quickly backfires and causes Alex to face the truth. As the story goes on we get to see Alex go through a very cathartic process in order to be able to love properly. And for Hope we get to see how one person can be the change we all need.
I quite like this story and liked the evolution of this story. I adored the banter with all the characters. Especially with Mason. Whom I have a feeling that he will be my favorite, even though after Dark Surrender I'm sure Alex will be a close second.
We often don't see our true potentials and what we are capable of, and I felt this was well portrayed within Alex. Since romance is my main genre I love mixing it up with paranormal as its a nice break in a very repetitive genre. Sure there were similar elements within this genre but its broken up with the PNR story line, which helps our escape into a different world even more.
I have loved Mason from the beginning of this series and finally the next story should be Mason's story.
"This pet eats people twice your size and tried to impale a beaver last week over a pinecone. Believe me when I say, he's not tame,"
Can't wait for Mason!!!!!!!
3 . 5 Light within the Darkness Thumbs Up!
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