Sugar Daddy
Source: eARC
Gavin Meyers, affluent businessman, discovered too late that his bohemian wife wasn't in love with him when he caught her in their bed with a lover...his sister. After a heated meeting with the lawyers trying to arrange the divorce agreement, his lawyer suggests he get a hobby and work out all his anger. He can't think of a single thing he wants to do more than find some woman to punish for his suffering. And it just so happens, he stumbles across a personal ad that will serve his purpose. What kind of woman advertises for a Sugar Daddy?
Synopsis from Goodreads
My Review...
So I didn't know what to expect from this book after receiving the eARC. I read the synopsis and shrugged my shoulders with a what the hell attitude and dove in. I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised with this book.
I liked the idea of this book where it shows the desperation to protect one's family at whatever unconventional cost. Hannah went into survival of the fittest mode once her douche of an ex leaves her high and dry. So she decides to look for a sugar daddy now that might not have been my first choice on how to solve things but fate had a different idea and she landed a sugar daddy with his own agenda. However, his agenda was quickly thrown out once he meets Hannah and her girls.
"Funny thing about love, " he mused. "You never see it coming. For me, you snuck in like a thief in the night and stole my heart." loc 2978
I loved the comparison of Gavin's life with The Little Prince and how it was interwoven into the story. I loved the growth of Hannah and Gavin together my really only complaint was it was a bit lengthy at times in this evolution of them. I felt at times I was like" ok okay you like each other but are to daft to see it let's carry on ...." but in the end it was a cute story about love and second chances.
"I want you happy, more. If it takes us being apart, then so be it. Because when you love someone, you put their needs before your own. I know that now. I get that. Life is different because I learned to love from you." loc 5163
3.5 Cute Thumbs Up!
eARC Giveaway from Nicole Andrews Moore
Three ARC's of Hiding Out, the next release due out next month. Link:
Sugar Daddy Pinterest Contest
So when I was searching, trying to find a new and interesting contest…I stumbled upon a promotional company and a contest that they offer as a package for authors. Now they wanted to charge a somewhat hefty fee for setting up this contest. I was convinced I could do it all by myself. Here’s what I came up with…
First of all, I love this book. Second of all, I am a bit of a Pinterestholic. Where else can I combine my love of all things…books, food, crafts, quotes, pretty pictures…you get the idea.
To enter the contest:
- Create a board on Pinterest labeled Sugar Daddy, or Sugar Daddy book, or even Sugar Daddy by Nicole Andrews Moore. Surprise me!
- Pin pictures that you associate with the book…the settings, the characters, objects from the story, anything that you think is Sugar Daddy related
- Link these pictures to this Amazon page:
- Share your boards all over…Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter…
- Use hashtag #sugardaddy or #sugardaddycontest on Twitter
- The winner will be chosen based on how creative and comprehensive the board is
- The contest starts…NOW! and ends on March 22nd.
- Winner or winners will be announced on 3/25 because Mondays should come with pleasant surprises
- Grand Prize is a $20 Amazon card because…Pinterest time should pay
- I reserve the right to add prizes because I just can’t choose.
Don’t forget to Like the Facebook Page. Be sure to join the mailing list so you never miss a contest or book release. And drop me a message with comments, questions, or especially compliments on Facebook or through the Contact Form on the author site. . I message back. And follow me on Pinterest so I can follow back and watch your progress!
Hugs! And happy pinning!
About the Author:
Nicole Andrews Moore
Blogger: Suddenly *Not So* Single Journey
Connect on:Facebook:
Twitter: thenicknick
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