Title: Break It Up
E.M. Tippetts
Release date: November 12, 2013
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tour organized by:
AToMR Tours
Buy Links: Amazon (Kindle) / B & N / KOBO
Book Description
Kyra Armijo is making a few changes in her life. One of them
being, she's no longer going to give it up to every guy who looks at her twice.
And she's putting her hopes and dreams for her future first. When the aspiring
photojournalist gets the opportunity of a lifetime to tag along with
international boy band sensation, Triple Cross, she can't pass up the chance.
The only problem is that she's in love with one band member,
dodging the unwanted attention of another, and desperate to keep her turbulent
past under wraps. Triple Cross have "nice guy" appeal, approved of by
parents the world over, but have just let go their longtime manager, who
controlled their clean image and media exposure with an iron fist. When Zach
Wechsler, the object of Kyra's affection, begins to show interest, she has to
be careful.
Surely one girl can't destroy a band that's been together for
ten years... only what if she can? Kyra knows she's one bad decision away from
ruining everything she's worked for, and taking the hottest act of her
generation down with her.
About the Author
Emily Mah Tippetts writes romance as E.M.
Tippetts and science fiction and fantasy as Emily Mah. She is a former attorney
with degrees in philosophy, politics and economics from Oxford University and
business law from UCLA, and currently lives in her lifelong home state of New
Mexico with her family. For more information or to sign up for updates on
future book releases, visit her website at www.emtippetts.com
Author Social Media Links:
Tour Giveaway:
(5) Print copies of Break It Up – International
(1) Swag pack including a temporary tattoo of Kyra’s
tattoo from the book - International
To see other stops on
the tour for reviews, guest posts, and excerpts click
here or the tour button below.
Source: eARC for Honest Review from Author
Genre: NA Contemporary
My Review...
For some reason I had no idea this book was a spin off of Someone Else's Fairytale so when I finally realized it I was pleasantly surprised.
For Kyra she has made some shit choices but once she finally believes in herself and the possibilities of a better life she reforms from her old self but the past always has a way of catching up with you.
For Zach he had been ruled my his mother, expectations, perceptions and so many rules. Him and his fellow band mates finally break free but are floundering to survive in the celebrity world.
Kyra has always had a crush on Zach but is scared of her past.
Zach is so lonely and needs support and assurances.
Together they become friends but the reality of their situation slaps them in the face when they want to move forward with their relationship.
To save face Kyra has to face her past and gain strength in the truth. With this she can finally lead her life with her was head held high and with the hope of love she has always wanted.
E.m. Tippets has a knack at capturing the awkwardness of relationships and the nuances of the early stages of love.
I liked Kyra and Zach a lot but I didn't quite feel the growth or depth of their relationship as I may have liked. The end felt a bit rushed and too perfectly tied up however, that didn't stop me from liking this story and of course the Vanderholts.
4 Famous Thumbs Up!

"E.m. Tippets has a knack at capturing the awkwardness of relationships and the nuances of the early stages of love." I agree. Thank you for reviewing and participating.