Beyond These Walls (The Walls Duet #2)
J.L. Berg (Goodreads Author)
Happily ever after.
That was what we were supposed to have.
Pudding cups, sandy toes and a lifetime of making each and every one of our dreams come true—that is the future I’d promised her.
I could see it in my dreams, hold it in my hands, but then I watched as all of our hopes and wishes suddenly slipped through my fingers like sand.
I thought the worst was behind us, but what if we’d just delayed the inevitable?
They say love can overcome any obstacle. But can it survive death?
The breathtaking love story of Lailah and Jude concludes in Beyond These Walls.
Source: eARC for Honest Review Courtesy of Author and Inkslinger PR
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
Part 2
My Beyond These Walls Review ...
I LOVED Within These Walls so I could NOT wait for the chance to read this book and find out what happens with Jude and Lailah.
Jude and Lailah have never had it easy with what life has thrown them but their love has always been strong. When life gets too busy sometimes, what they used to put as priority gets put on the back burner causing the shine in Lailah's life to dim a bit.
But no matter what, they have each other. Sometimes over the too much sweet at times, but it works for them.
The journey to their vows were a bit over the top but when Jude Cavenaugh does something he does it big.
I have to admit in the first part of the book I found it a but schmaltzy sweet for me, but these two have always been near and dear to my heart so all was well. The bonus to me was I was reading this book on the beach of Santorini so it felt like I was there with Jude and Lailah.
As we get to about the half way mark of the book trouble is brewing on the horizon which caused my heart to sink.
Especially when Lailah was so quick to bail when things got tough not giving sweet sweet sensitive Jude enough time to swallow and process the upcoming situation for these two.
Thankfully Jude is a fighter and won't let go because very easily this relationship could have gone south. As unfortunately many real life relationships go because many people don't take the time to truly communicate or fight for what they want.
Even though Jude may be over the top sweet at times but Gah! he's so frickin' sweet and adorable. The way he loves Lailah is a thing of beauty.
Finally we think these two may have a smooth ride in their choppy waters but nope life loves to throw these two curve ball after curve ball.
Jude and Lailah are one of my favorite NA couples. They have weathered a rough storm but their love for each other has never let us down even though their was a moment their where Lailah disappointed me a bit in her way of communicating when things got tough. But our Jude once again has helped her to see the light and fight for their happiness.
Throughout this book we get to see more and more into Roman and I can not wait to read more about him in Beyond Closed Doors which will be a spin off from this series.
3.5 to 4 Schmaltzy but beautiful thumbs up!

Jude and Lailah have never had it easy with what life has thrown them but their love has always been strong. When life gets too busy sometimes, what they used to put as priority gets put on the back burner causing the shine in Lailah's life to dim a bit.
"... But don't let the world change you. Change the world, Lailah."
But no matter what, they have each other. Sometimes over the too much sweet at times, but it works for them.
" ... Snowstorms, heart transplants, or anything else the world wants to throw our way, as long as your hand is in mine," she said, looking down at our joined palms, "I'll never fear the unknown."
The journey to their vows were a bit over the top but when Jude Cavenaugh does something he does it big.
"Love isn't about perfection. It's a beautiful chaotic mess, and there isn't anyone I'd rather spend my life with than you."
I have to admit in the first part of the book I found it a but schmaltzy sweet for me, but these two have always been near and dear to my heart so all was well. The bonus to me was I was reading this book on the beach of Santorini so it felt like I was there with Jude and Lailah.
"... The best things in life are never planned."
As we get to about the half way mark of the book trouble is brewing on the horizon which caused my heart to sink.
"I guess the question is, do you want to find out?" And there is was-my life-altering moment. ..."
Especially when Lailah was so quick to bail when things got tough not giving sweet sweet sensitive Jude enough time to swallow and process the upcoming situation for these two.
"Okay! I get it. But would you just stop for one second and realize that I might be happy about this?"
Thankfully Jude is a fighter and won't let go because very easily this relationship could have gone south. As unfortunately many real life relationships go because many people don't take the time to truly communicate or fight for what they want.
"So, what do you want me to do?" I asked, tears leaking from my eyes.
"Fight, damn it!" he answered loudly. "If we're going to do this, I need you to promise that you won't give up. Fight until your last dying breath. Do everything the doctors tell you to-no exceptions. Take every precaution and promise you won't give up."
Even though Jude may be over the top sweet at times but Gah! he's so frickin' sweet and adorable. The way he loves Lailah is a thing of beauty.
"Because I need you-yesterday, now, tomorrow. I'll always need you...."
Finally we think these two may have a smooth ride in their choppy waters but nope life loves to throw these two curve ball after curve ball.
"... But I know a thing or two about that girl you married. She's a fighter, Jude. She might look small, but her heart is ten times the size of most. She'll battle to the death for this life she's worked so hard to achieve."
Jude and Lailah are one of my favorite NA couples. They have weathered a rough storm but their love for each other has never let us down even though their was a moment their where Lailah disappointed me a bit in her way of communicating when things got tough. But our Jude once again has helped her to see the light and fight for their happiness.
Throughout this book we get to see more and more into Roman and I can not wait to read more about him in Beyond Closed Doors which will be a spin off from this series.
3.5 to 4 Schmaltzy but beautiful thumbs up!

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